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Human Resource


Human Resource Development

• Developing competency management

• Stimulating challenges for employees and employers


Human resource management (planning , staring , personnel inflows )

• How do you use the full energy of the employees

• What policies should develop an organization to utilize Talents of employees in the future

• Motivation and Performance

• Development System ( POP )

Personal Managment

Legal Quick Scan

• Personnel Management ( inflow , outflow , working conditions , managerial risk avoidance ) .

• Production management ( production stage , primary process , aftersales phase

• Commercial management (product , trademark , packaging , location , transportation , price , terms and conditions )

• Financial management ( treasury, finance , working capital and collateral , contract )

• Strategic management (structure , competition )

Business Managment


Develop business plan

• Determining mission and vision

• Determining main targets

• Defining measurable goals

• Determination of alternative strategies

• Determining need for resources

• Determining selection process

• To analyze the critical success and failure factors ( SWOT )  Analysis

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